Starting a one way link building program is an important factor to increase your businesses online visibility with search engines. You don’t need hundreds or thousands of incoming links to rank high in search engines or to receive traffic. Using the correct Long Tail Keywords in the correct places and build multiple web pages correctly can easily visitors hitting your website with just a few incoming links.
Having said that, if you want to rank high in search engines for more competative keywords you do need to start building incoming links, this process is time consuming or have quality information within your site through static pages or blog form to build interest from other online portals.
Do you need hundreds of links to rank high?
You could easily have a few web pages in the top 30, some in the top 20 and a few in the top 10 of the search engines with just a few quality incoming links. We have worked on multiple websites that attract targeted traffic from the search engines with less than incoming links. The competition maybe low for certain keyword phrases, but people do search for long tail keyword phrases every second of the day.
One way link building is always going to help grow your business, spending some of your time doing this on a regular basis is see your website improve month by month.
How do you Start One Way Link Building?
The most obvious is submitting your website to online directories. Some do ask for a reciprocal link, some charge you a review fee and some are free. Starting with a few free quality directories is only going to help, like freeindex or hotfrog.
Here is a List of Website Directories that will help you get started.
Find forums that are related to your website theme, you should be quite knowledgably about your theme, it should be easy to help people and answer their questions. You get to leave a link at the end of your answer which will create an incoming link to your website.
Just type in “forum” followed by your theme into a search engine and see what results you get and go from there.
Write informative keyword rich articles and post them at popular article websites. This creates quality one way links that will also supply direct traffic from the article.
Purchasing Links
Purchasing links from other website owners, this can give you a quality link but is against many major search engines rules and can become expensive if you have to pay monthly or quarterly. Purchasing links is never going to gain you long term rankings, when you stop paying for these links your website will drop back down in the rankings, our advice is to use PPC, Pay-Per-Click instead.
Use the Search Engines for Building One Way Links
A good method to find related websites where you can add your URL to create incoming links is to do some advanced searches in Google, Bing or Yahoo. Go to Google and type any of the below into the search box including the speech marks.
“your website theme” + ”add url” “your website theme” + ”suggest link” "your website theme" + "add a site" "your website theme" + "suggest site"
As you can see this can find lots of websites where you can start submitting or requesting a link exchange.