I will show you how to build incoming links from blogs within a matter of minutes. It is a simple process to increase your link popularity.
The biggest bonus with blogs is it creates one way links, no need to link back, and finding blogs related to your website theme is a big plus.
How to Find Blogs
There are many ways to to build incoming links from blogs, but finding them can be a pain.
Problem solved with Google Alerts , if you do not have an account then create one, it’s free. Then all you do is type in a keyword, select blogs, type your email address in and choose daily, weekly or monthly updates.
Then every single day, week, month your inbox with receive a list of blogs that have been posted live on the internet that match the keyword you entered.
Another good tool to use, which can be used for a number of things, is the search it tool. In the first box of the search it tool select inbound link opportunities, second box choose Google blog search, third box type your main keyword and hit search it.
This will produce another huge list of related blogs. The good thing with this system is that the blogs at the top of the results will have higher pagerank, this increases the quality of the link you create.
Other Methods
Type the below into a search engine.
[list type=”list-1″ color=”yes” ] Blogspot + Your keyword
Blogger + Your keyword
Wordpress + Your keyword
Hubpages + Your keyword
Another simple way, type blog directories into a search engine. You will find directories that have huge lists of blogs laid out in catergories.
Blog Rules
The guidelines you should follow when you build incoming links from blogs.
Your comment
The first and most important rule in my eyes, which has nothing to do with SEO, is that the comment you leave must be relevant to the topic, useful info and to be pleasant.
Blogs are someone else’s work, they leave a comment box which does add content to their page, but it is not left open for you to abuse.
Also, if possible, weave in a few keywords into your comment, every little helps.
The Link
If the blog owner is using a no follow command then search engines will ignore your link, this will not help your search engine rankings. I would still leave a comment, cause you can still attract visitors directly from the link itself.
To check this just hit your view tab at the top of your screen and select view source. Then in the HTML code find where the links and comments are on the page and see if after the links it says “no follow”.
When you build incoming links from blogs you want the link to include your keywords. Blogs ask you to leave your name, this is no good having hundreds of incoming links saying Joe bloggs when your website is about golf.
Some blogs will not mind what you put and to be safe, use something like “Joe@Brand Name”. This way you are using your name and some main keywords within your link.
It can be wise to vary your link, if I end up with 10,000 incoming links that all say “Joe@Brand Name” it would look very unnatural in the search engines eyes.
If you follow the systems above to create incoming links from blogs you could easily create tens maybe hundreds of links a day. This is not wise, if one month you have 100 incoming links and the next you have 1500 incoming links the search engines may see this as spamming.
Be careful, spend a small amount of time building links, don’t go overboard and your be ok.